"Gone are the quiet college rooms, gone the wind-swayed English elms and cawing rooks, and the familiar volumes on the shelves, and in their place there rises a vision of the great calm ocean gleaming in shaded silver lights beneath the beams of the full moon."-excerpt from She, by H. Rider Haggard
This is my latest foray into the world of web logging, and I do hope it's more successful than my previous attempts. I've titled this blog "The grass is always greener..." because like many, I appear content with what I have but am always thinking that if I had this or that then my life would be better. Being of Christian faith, I know that my true treasure lies in my Savior Jesus Christ and his death on the Cross which has paid the debt for my sins. This also leads to relationship with Him, and a gift that no monetary element can buy nor attempt to afford.
I know this. And I often think this. But I don't always do this.
Jesus said to take up your cross daily and follow Him. Only through Him will I have life to the full. In various points of my life, there are specific struggles that I come across that prevent me from seeing how to live by grace. The struggles mostly have to do with a trial of some sort, like being in school for longer than you wish while all of your friends have graduated, or a death (or impending) of a loved one. The current trial of divine stasis is the career field. I say stasis, because like any well-written play, there needs to be transition and some calm so that you can set up the characters for whatever thing is going to come their way next. I mention divine because, well, does this need any explanation? He is in control, so duh, the trials are to make sure I know full well that I am not. There are times where I excuse myself (for acting like a spoiled brat of course) by saying "I'm a married man now! Don't you think I deserve this great, life altering career not just for myself, but for Jennifer as well."
You'd think by now I'd learn that He doesn't really believe my "logical" and "rational" arguments.
Transition, I guess, is the spice of life. Without it there would not only be moments where we can plan for the next step, but to enjoy what we do have in those times. This includes those around us. If I was only complaining in my mind about where I'm going, then I'm not noticing where I am at.